Tips On How To Find A Good Credit Counseling Agency ?
Credit Counseling agencies can be an excellent option for many individuals who are in difficult financial situations, and need more than basic budgeting to help pay off debt. Unfortunately, this day and age it can feel hard to trust any company, especially those companies dealing with your hard earned money. However, although there will always be some bad apples in any industry, applying the following useful tips can help you find a good Credit Counseling agency whose mission is to truly help you eliminate your debt.
What fees do Credit Counseling agencies charge ?
Before you sign up with a Credit Counseling agency, it is important to learn what fees they charge and how those fees are paid. Find out the fee structure for any additional services. Shop around to see how one Credit Counseling agency s fees compare to another.
Where are their offices ?
Some Credit Counseling agencies operate at a distance, while others make a point of meeting with debtors in a local office. It is okay to work with a Credit Counseling agency over the phone, so long as you verify that any service without a local office is in fact legitimate.
Who is the counselor ?
This person will have access to your personal information. You want to make sure you are working with someone you feel comfortable and secure with. You will want to find out if the counselor is actually certified in credit counseling, and if they are not, what training do they have?
What other services do they offer ?
Many reputable Credit Counseling agencies will offer services beyond debt management, and may even offer free budgeting sessions, and other free educational services.
What accreditations do they have ?
Many Credit Counseling agencies are accredited through a third party association such as the BBB. It is far less likely that an accredited organization will charge excessive fees or try to take advantage of you, than it is for an organization which is not accredited.
What happens if you want to cancel ?
Life often takes some unexpected turns, and it is wise to find out a Credit Counseling agencies cancellation policy, including any fees.
What kind of testimonials do they have ?
These days, we have the powerful tool of the internet to gain more information on companies. Do your research and try to find truthful testimonials from previous customers on internet sites such as Yelp, or other consumer research sites.
Trusting someone with your finances is never easy, but doing proper research, and asking the right questions can help you find a Credit Counseling agency that provides you the level of service you are paying for.